Home Services Referral Directory
Need help finding a contractor, service technician, landscaper? Your neighbors have recommended the businesses below for all your home service needs. Also included below this is a list your neighbors home businesses. Check them out!
The Kelly Plantation HOA does not endorse or verify any of these referrals. They come entirely from members of our HOA so make sure to check them out before contracting their services. If you find a service that is no longer in business please email the Webmaster so it can be removed. Remember to check with the architectural committee and covenants if you are planning any major changes to landscaping (ie pools, sheds, etc) or the outside of the house (detached garages, driveway extensions etc).
To make a referral click the button below to fill out the form or scroll to the bottom of the page.
To request a change to an existing referral email kphoawebmaster@gmail.com.
These services provide landscaping to include mulching, adding new beds, pool decks etc
Services to include mowing, Leaf clean up, mulching
Mowing and edging
Lawn and bed cleanups
Fertilizing, weed control, pest control, aeration
Sprinkler installment and repairs
Jaime Quinn
Removal, trimming, care
Replacing roof or repairing leaks
New, replacement or repairs and cleaning
Pressure Washing driveways, sidewalks and home exteriors
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Replacements and parts
Installation and repairs
Construction or Maintenance
Maintenance of Septic tanks
Patios, outdoor fireplaces, pergolas, etc
Set up and Take Down etc.
repairs & replacement
Painting touch ups, whole room and house, cabinetry painting
Brentin Small
Repairs to drywalls
Repairs, troubleshooting and maintenance of HVAC systems
Repairs and projects
Electrical repairs, adding outlets, rewiring.
Bobby Lawless
Home Cleaning services
For repairs or projects around the home
Brentin Small
Large projects inside the home ie kitchen, bathrooms etc
Air quality testing, radon mitigation, consulting and testing, Mold inspection, testing and remediation, crawlspace conditioning & waterproofing
Recommended local vets
Medical care practicioners
Advanced Eyecare
Madison Eye Care Center
Dental and oral surgery
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Pet Sitting
In home daytime pet sitting.
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Local individuals who offer in home child care
Red Cross Certified Teenager (also tutors)
Estate planning, house deeds, wills etc
Ashley Jones
Bike repair, Maintenance and restoration
Certified Middle and High School Math tutor. Tutors college levels as well. Email learningwithchristy@gmail.com.
Photographers in your neighborhood
Portrait and Real Estate Photography
Web Designers in your neighborhood
Salon Owners in your neighborhood
In home pet sitting
Repairs, Maintenance and Restoration
Middle School, High School and College levels
Owned by Beth & Jim Gentry. Specializes in Roofing and Construction. Also provides Interior Repairs, Interior Painting, Gutters, Sliding & Window repairs and more.
Owned by Billy Forbes. Pressure Washing and Soft Washing.
Owned By Billy Forbes. Call for a free estimate. www.bforbes400@gmail.com
If there is a business that you have had a great experience with and you would like to recommend this business to your neighbors, please submit the information here.
If you are a Kelly Plantation HOA member and have your own business. You can also be added to our Neighborhood business section. For this section please attach your logo or business card image.
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